Sunday, April 18, 2010

This is the Best Time to Find the Best Stuff on CL

Patio furniture is something that you don't find very often on CL, but if you're going to find it, this is the best time of the year. People have a lot of reasons for selling stuff in the spring. They may be moving, graduating from school or cleaning house. I find that most of the people who try to sell something just want to get rid of it. Another tip for your shopping on CL; don't hesitate to look in areas that are a little further out. I find that those people in Conn. have the nicest stuff. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Monday, August 17, 2009

Craigslist Is a Wonderful PLace to Find Antiques

There chairs were purchased in Conn. for less than a thousand dollars and are worth about 7000. They were made in England in 1920. This is one of many antique finds that you can get on Craigslist.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Selling Your Garden Items On Craigslist

This is stockade fencing that would cost more than 3 times the price than what you would pay for it on Craigslist. Once something is used, no matter what it is the price goes down tremendously. Craigslist is a great source for buying items for your garden if you want to save money. Pictured is stockade fencing that is 4 feet high and 8 feet wide for 12 -15 dollars per piece. The same in a store would sell for about 35 dollars. Who cares as along as it is not damaged and you can get the proper amount. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Craigslist Attracts Many Unreliable People

Most recently I have been using Craigslist a lot and have 4 examples of working with people who said that they were going to do something, then did not follow thru. In this photo you see a vase that was at my house that I had rented, and when the people left, the vase was gone too. When I had asked about it, the girl told me that she did not recall seeing it. How weird is that since it was in the entry foyer as you walk into the house.
Another incident was a woman was supposed to come to see the house. We had more than 15 email communicating back and forth. Finally after waiting a few hours, she said that he found a place already. Then there is the case today, when a guy who was going to buy some fencing and he said he would come back at 3 today, and another "no show." What I don't understand is why people are so disrespectful? I have decided that I am going to be more firm on my conditions. In the case of an appointment. I will only give someone 30 minutes, and if they don't show up, I will not see them. As for the missing vase, I am still going to file a small claim against this girl and in the future give a check list for people to initial that they saw the item when they checked in. It is very sad that people have to be this way, but I have learned the hard way, to not trust anyone. If you use Craigslist, please proceed with caution. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Saturday, May 30, 2009

What Does it Take to Make a Sale On Craigslist

No matter what you are trying to sell, there are some basic rules which apply to anything that you try to sell. First of all, Think different. When you place your ad, make it stand out from everyone else's. Use a special color or font. Add a picture to soften the mood and personalize it. Make that customer feel that they are comfortable buying from you. Also, timing is important when you place your ad. I prefer to wait until mid day, for I don't think that many people read the ads on Craigslist first thing in the morning. That way your ad will be on the top and one of the first ones read. Also, be accessible. As soon as you get an email make sure your respond. Also do the deal immediately. Don't give people the chance to fool around and get back. Be direct and clear that you need to know right away or you will not hold it. In this economy, people like to take their time. Also, be flexible with payments once you got the deal squared away. Allow them to pay with PayPal, cash, money order and not by check.
This is a picture of a mail box at my house. I designed it for I prefer a mail box to look nice, but it also makes it much more memorable to the person who may want to rent it.

Anyway, good luck! It is so easy to sell things on Craigslist, but you have to have a good plan to help you out.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Monday, May 11, 2009

What To Do When That Person Doesn't Get Back to You

Often times people will contact you on Craigslist and sound like they are going to do a deal. Whether it is rent your house, or buy something that you are trying to sell. Like anything else, don't believe it until you see it. So many people just don't get back. It is disappointing when they sound like they are going to do something, then just walk away. You should do the same thing. Don't bother running after them. If they want you, they will know how to reach you.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Weirdest Things You Can Find on Craigslist

Because of the housing market being so bad you will find all kinds of fixtures like the toilet below
that is for sale. Sometime the builder has extras and the workers put them CL for sale. I have seen sinks, toilets, faucets, and much more! Check before you buy for your home in a retail store, and you never know what you will find.
Photo, JoAnna Levenglick