Sunday, June 21, 2009

Selling Your Garden Items On Craigslist

This is stockade fencing that would cost more than 3 times the price than what you would pay for it on Craigslist. Once something is used, no matter what it is the price goes down tremendously. Craigslist is a great source for buying items for your garden if you want to save money. Pictured is stockade fencing that is 4 feet high and 8 feet wide for 12 -15 dollars per piece. The same in a store would sell for about 35 dollars. Who cares as along as it is not damaged and you can get the proper amount. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Craigslist Attracts Many Unreliable People

Most recently I have been using Craigslist a lot and have 4 examples of working with people who said that they were going to do something, then did not follow thru. In this photo you see a vase that was at my house that I had rented, and when the people left, the vase was gone too. When I had asked about it, the girl told me that she did not recall seeing it. How weird is that since it was in the entry foyer as you walk into the house.
Another incident was a woman was supposed to come to see the house. We had more than 15 email communicating back and forth. Finally after waiting a few hours, she said that he found a place already. Then there is the case today, when a guy who was going to buy some fencing and he said he would come back at 3 today, and another "no show." What I don't understand is why people are so disrespectful? I have decided that I am going to be more firm on my conditions. In the case of an appointment. I will only give someone 30 minutes, and if they don't show up, I will not see them. As for the missing vase, I am still going to file a small claim against this girl and in the future give a check list for people to initial that they saw the item when they checked in. It is very sad that people have to be this way, but I have learned the hard way, to not trust anyone. If you use Craigslist, please proceed with caution. Photo, JoAnna Levenglick