Monday, May 4, 2009

Finding Furniture on Craigslist

This is a wonderful time to find good deals on furniture on Craigslist. Since the Summer is coming a lot of people will be looking. So to begin with there will be a lot of listings now.
You have to check the listing daily, and I do find that those people in Connecticut
have the nicest furniture. New Jersey is second For some reason, I found it really hard to find nice furniture in Manhattan. Once you go and take a look be prepared to pay for cash for most times people want the deal sealed immediately. If the item is more costly, then take a look at it and be prepared to have to come back with a certified check or money order. In the picture you will see 2 wrought iron chairs which were delivered to me in Manhattan by a lady who used to date Warner LeRoy, the former owner of Tavern on the Green. In fact, the two chairs are from the famous restaurant. The Sofa came from a lady in Wilton Conn. who was moving to San Diego and was purchased for 300 dollars, and is like new. The two side tables were 50 dollars each and the top is made of marble. Now I know you may not be in the tri-state area of NY, but use the same principles. Some locations will have much nicer furniture than others, so you will have to do your homework. Lastly, remember you have to be prepared to have the furniture picked up either by a trucker or rent a U-Haul and drive it yourself. You may get a good deal on the furniture, but the cost of moving it may make you decide otherwise. Good Luck!

Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

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