Monday, May 4, 2009

Renting Your House for the Summer With A Listing On Craiglist

The summer is almost here and people are listing their homes on Craigslist for a Summer rental.
Make sure that when you list your home you are as clear as possible in describing it, and letting people know what you expect from a renter. This includes how long it is rented for, and the price of utilities. Next, make sure that you are dealing with a reliable person. Watch out for those emails asking for bank accounts and from email addresses that you know are not local. Also, watch out for those people who mislead on the number in the group. This is one of the biggest problems I have been seen lately; is groups coming in and lying about the size of the group. This not only is a problem for you and the damage that can be done, but also a violation regarding the local town and how many people are allowed in your house. Make sure you get a deposit and wrap up the deal immediately. Do a checklist of valuable items and a walk thou at the beginning of the lease with the renter. You don't' want anyone saying that something didn't exist. Don't forget to have a contract outlining all of the detail of your deal. Make a master copy so you have one for the next rental.

Photo, JoAnna Levenglick

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